Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Take us to the treasures

Enter, the Forbidden City. This tourist mecca was primarily composed of a series of rooms. Masses of primarily chinese tourists would gather by a room, holding their head to the glass to view fancy interior. This happened about 5 times before it began to get old. That's when we see the sign "Treasure Rooms ->". Obviously, we want to see the treasures. We pay an extra fee to look in the treasure rooms. Comrade Erik and I walk through, looking at a few small relics. Comrade Dong sits down, obviously unhappy. "Are you bored Dong?" Comrade Erik asks. "Yes," Comrade Dong replies. Se we only viewed two of the 10 treasure rooms.

This is no mythical cloud from an Yimou Zhang movie. It's just smog. I suppose you should be able to see the rest of Beijing in this photo. 

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