Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Spa Treatment

One night in Beijing, Comrade Erik, Comrade Maggie and I went to the Top Club Spa. It was a total of 600 yet each including free buffet food, 1 foot massage, and 1 all body massage. China is cheap.

For the entire trip Comrade Erik and I have been in the company of either Comrade Dong or Comrade Maggie, who both speak fluent Chinese. Stepping into the spa, we were separated into the male and female rooms, and had no idea what to do. The attendant motioned us to strip off our clothes. Then we put on the kimono pajamas they handed us, but quickly switched for towels after realizing we can go straight to the pool.

In addition to your normal warm and cold pools, the spa had a fish pool. The fish pool had a bunch of small fish that would nibble at your dead skin.
Yes, we went in all the way.

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