Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Nikko is a small town a bit outside of Tokyo.

Nikko had three things we were looking for: shrines, onsens, and hikes. We started the first day visiting the shrine. By far one of the most impressive ones I had seen since entering Japan. No doubt a World Heritage Site. Also famous for its carving of the three wise monkeys. 

The three wise monkeys

We stayed the night at a Ryokan, a Japanese style hotel where you sleep on classic futon. You are normally served dinner as well but we checked in too late, although Gareth-san and Erik-san partook in the breakfast fish. 

We attempted a hike the next day, starting at Yudaki falls. 

The falls apparently has feminine qualities. 

Unfortunately, it started pouring so we had to take the bus back to the station, none of us having the foresight to bring our rain gear or even check the weather. Of course, rainy season ended two weeks ago, but with Tropical Storm Ma-on on the horizon I guess you can't be too rainshy.

Dragons. Still Awesome.

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