Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Fireworks are everywhere in Japan. You can buy sparklers at larger grocery stores and larger fireworks aren't hard to find. In addition, over the course of the entire summer, there are several firework festivals. We went to the one in Katsushika, which had about 7000 fireworks. 

What was most interesting about the fireworks was the music. During the course of the ~ 30 minute show they played: star wars, ode to joy (jpop version), coldplay, some opera song, amazing grace, more J-pop. The eclectic mix of songs was amusing, and different than the silence I am accustomed to at US shows. 

No night on the town can be complete without some Karaoke. Karaoke in Japan is done is small rooms with just the people you show up with. Because of rights issues (I assume) they play strange unrelated videos on the screen while you sing. This one shows the popular BBQ game of Suikawari. It is like a pinata smashing, except you smash a watermelon with a wooden stick (sword). 

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